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HomePoliticsNDC Internal Elections: Edward Mortey declears intention to run for Greater Accra...

NDC Internal Elections: Edward Mortey declears intention to run for Greater Accra Regional Organizer Position

Mr. Edward Mortey, a member of the NDC communication team has declared his intention to run for the Greater Accra regional deputy youth organizer.

Following his contributions to share ideas and defend the party in the media on a variety of issues, he implements communication strategies and programs for his constituency in the sole interest of the National Democratic Congress in order to build a strong Political Party. He believes that with the right mindset and a desire for progress, Ghana would be a better place. 

He believes Ghana is at a crossroads and that we don’t know where our next meal will come from. To change this situation, the youth must rise up, and a leader who is hungry for progress is required.

Who is Edward Mortey?

Edward Mortey is a member of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) As a member,he  served the National Democratic Congress Party as a branch manager at the age of Eighteen(18) years  and currently holds  the position as the constituency communication officer deputy for  Bortianor Ngleshie Amanfrom.

He is an active associate of the Cuban Solidarity Movement in Ghana, Socialist Forum of Ghana and Young Africa leaders Initiative program  under the US International Programs. 


Read his Mision and Vision Statements below


My Mission is to avail myself to the youth wing in Greater Accra Region. I am highly optimistic that with a United front  coupled with a well coordinated  organisation, we shall  recapture political power for our next Flagbearer   and members of parliament in the Greater Accra Region.


Together with the aspiration of the Ghanaian people especially the youth of this political party , I aspire  to see and experience a well resourced, focused, radical,  advanced and resilient youth front ever to chart the path of total transformation, development and the prosperity of the Ghanaian people.

 Pledge to the NDC

I pledge to serve the National Democratic Congress Party especially the youth wing in Greater Accra with all my heart, might, body, soul and spirit!

In the spirit of the revolution, I hereby declare my contest to serve in the capacity of Regional deputy youth Organiser, Greater Accra Region.

Deceleration of Intent

As an astute communicator and youth activist of the NDC, following my contributions to share ideas and defend the party in the media on a variety of issues I believes that with the right mindset and desire for progress, Ghana would be a better place.

I  hereby declare my intent to run for the Greater Accra deputy youth organizer for the NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS.



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